/ Welcome

Hello! Nice that you’re here

Feel invited to get to know my offers, which I am happy to carry out into the world!

I myself went a long way and finally found access to my strength and potential through the connection of the voice with the body as well as the trust and opening into my divine guidance.

I am happy if I can accompany and support you on your way to develop your potential through voice, body and light work & coaching.

I am very happy to be there for you! Here is my current offer:
“Light your Voice”
A 12-week singing course and voice training
Body centered voiceopening, Songs/Mantras, Breath-Tonus-Tone, Soundjourney
Start: 30.9
try our session: 23.9
price: 399,-
If you feel the calling, I am very happy to guide and support you and you can register here:
See you soon, Magdalena


Here is my current offer. In this video you can get to know more about my upcoming 3 months online course
“POWER OF SENSITIVITY” – Empowerment für (hoch)sensible Frauen


Here you can watch my brand new video about my self developed light body series for women “Inti – Integrity” !

Magdalena Maria Piatti

Hello! I greet you heartily
I am a singer / sound healer, holistic voice trainer , lightworker & mentor/trainer
I love helping people to find their inner balance and to feel their essence, calmness and strength.