Vocal Coaching (individual session)
Breath Tonus Tone is a new method in which voice, body and breath are holistically connected.
I myself have had a great process during my training as a breath-tonus- tone teand singing teacher and have found my voice completely new. My speaking voice, as well as my singing voice became a bit deeper and I was much more relaxed and above all more authentic in dealing with my voice and felt again much more joy and enjoyment while singing. Here is a description of the breath-tone-tone method:
Through a deeper and fuller breath, you can better relate to yourself and your voice and find your natural and individualized voice. Tense or blocked parts of the body are loosened and open or widen resonance spaces, through which your voice can reach its full potential.
The tonus is an elastic tension of the muscles and in turn supports the breath.
The structure of the tone happens willingly and is responsible for the tone length, pitch and tone. Through special exercises you activate this tone without effort.
Tones combined with light body contraction, abdominal breathing, and leg resistance work make your body permeable to a free-flowing voice.
The breath carries and balances, the tone supports the breath and the expression. So the sound remains free and can expand to the individual sound.
Breath Tonus Sound is not based on performance, but the creation of their own power and center in peace and pleasure!
Especially recommended for people with voice problems that are often based on stress, such as: teachers, speech therapists, actors, singers, radio, TV presenters and anyone else who is looking for a natural and quiet access to their voice. Atem Tonus Ton is also available in combination with vocal coaching! No prior experience necessary!
see www.magdalenapiatti.com
One hour á 60 minutes: 65 euro
5 and 10 blocks on request, 10% discount.
Trial hour: 50 Euro
Here you can watch a Video about my singing classes. Have fun!